Well how much fun is this lavender bouquet? I rarely use purple, but decided to give it a go and wow- I just loved the result. This vase is full of blousy blooms of lavender, indigo, soft pinks and greens.
8” x 8” Acrylic and Pencil
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Well how much fun is this lavender bouquet? I rarely use purple, but decided to give it a go and wow- I just loved the result. This vase is full of blousy blooms of lavender, indigo, soft pinks and greens.
8” x 8” Acrylic and Pencil
Thoughtfully Packaged
Complimentary shipping
Well how much fun is this lavender bouquet? I rarely use purple, but decided to give it a go and wow- I just loved the result. This vase is full of blousy blooms of lavender, indigo, soft pinks and greens.
8” x 8” Acrylic and Pencil
Thoughtfully Packaged
Complimentary shipping